Learning Resources


deep dives into selected topics

  • CAF attaches many labels to actors: event-based, blocking, statically typed, dynamically typed, and so on. When delving into the depths of the API, users may get lost in technical details and subtleties without grasping the big picture first.

    In this guide, we first take a high-level look at the basic ideas and concepts behind the API before we discuss how the pieces fit together and delve into implementation details. We aim to provide a solid foundation for understanding the API and its design choices.

    Part 1, Part 2

  • As Carl Hewitt puts it, one actor is no actor. They come in systems where some actors are focused on handling incoming tasks while others focus on orchestration and supervision. Some actors only exist to manage other actors. They detect failing workers in the distributed system via monitoring or linking. Read More

  • In this guide, we learn how the networking layer of CAF enables distributed applications and how CAF represents remote actors locally. Read More

  • Data flows in CAF provide a high-level API for building processing pipelines in a data-oriented way. They complement the message-based actor communication and allow expressing complex data processing pipelines in a declarative way.

    Part 1, Part 2 (coming soon)